Saturday, August 16, 2008

In Dubai

I guess we're finally in the Middle East. Our plane trip from NYC to Dubai was about 12 hours, although getting on that flight was quite a challenge. It's about 10:30pm in Dubai, one hour behind Kuwait time, and we arrived about an hour ago. Here are some of the "boring" details.

Our first flight from Pitt to NYC was canceled due to weather, but not until after 11pm. The airline gave us a hotel voucher, but sent us to a hotel that was already booked solid. We headed across the street and did end up staying in a nice room, not going to bed until about 1:30am EST. Yesterday (Was it yesterday? I'm a bit lost.), we took the 6:15am out of Pitt, which didn't actually leave until 9:30am. Needless to say, we missed our 11:00am connection in NYC, but after the re-booking process, we got to spend the day with our great friends Erin and Megan, who live in Manhattan. We didn't have to be back at the airport until about 9pm EST, so we spent the majority of the day hanging out in Chinatown and being pampered by Erin; at that point, we really needed it.

We caught the NYC to Dubai flight last evening at 11pm EST. The Emirates flight was the best international flight I've ever taken; it provided good food and services, I watched Nim's Island, 21, Prince Caspian, and I am Legend, and slept for about six hours. Chris did not really sleep. We didn't sit right next to each other, but in the same row with two seats and an aisle between us. We could call each other on the in-flight phone and occasionally make faces, so I was grateful. I shared an end row with a girl whose parents are from Afghanistan, but they have lived in Dubai for the last 12 years. Each summer, they travel to the States to visit extended family for a few months. It was cool to get some insider commentary on the Middle East.

We leave Dubai at 1am here, and are to be in Kuwait at 2:30. Once the welcome service helps us with our visa, etc., our school's van driver will take us to our apartment. I'm really excited to sleep and shower!

We'll try to update again soon.
Were in good Hands.
Love to all,


  1. erin said...

    yea! i am so glad your dubi flight went so smoothly. yesterday was so great! i was so glad i got to spend the day with you guys i am really interested in just about every step you and chris take. miss you already!