Saturday, December 29, 2007


Some more Christmas vacation activities...

Last night we were able to spend an evening with our friends Simon and Tiffani in Framingham, MA. Since we stayed out until 1:00am (the latest in a long, long time), it was rough waking up this morning. We had so much fun, though! And of course, the girls won this 3-hour game of Taboo. Way to go girls!

Friday, December 28, 2007


Too fun! Here are some pictures from a post- Christmas hike. (Of course, we had to walk off some of that turkey.) This was a great time, as Chris was nearly thrown into the river and we found part of a ski pole. Oh, the things that happen when you go on a hike!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas vacation

Well, it is indeed the day after Christmas, there are lots of people milling about, and the noise level coming from the Freemans is nothing short of boisterous. We've had a wonderful holiday vacation so far, with a few days to go before returning to the real-world bubble of western Pennsylvania. Our travels have included some fun activities like : listening to Chris' dad jam on his guitar, visiting the botanical gardens in Boylston, MA, going for a hike, watching "A Garfield Christmas," and of course, eating lots of tasty food. Here are some pictures to recap the first part of the week. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Him whom Jesus has so loved

“One Lord”
“‘One Lord.’ Ephesians 4:5.
The Lord Jesus is the one Head, as He is the one Foundation, of the Church. All believers are chosen in Christ, blessed in Christ, saved in Christ, preserved in Christ, and in Christ will be glorified. The work of Christ is the one resting-place of their souls. They rely for pardon upon the same blood, for acceptance upon the same righteousness, and for sanctification upon the same grace. One in Christ, all other differences and distinctions are merged and forgotten: ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither bond nor free; there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’
What a uniting truth is this! Jesus is the one Head of life, light, and love, to all His saints. He carried the transgression of all, He bore the curse of all, He endured the hell of all, He pardons the sin of all, He supplies the need of all, He soothes the sorrows of all, and He lives and intercedes for all. To Him all alike repair, it is true, with different degrees of knowledge and of faith, and from different points; yet, to Jesus, as to one Savior, one Brother, one Lord, they all alike come.
Oh! what a cementing principle is this! The body of Christ- the purchase of the same blood, loved with the same affection, and in heaven represented by the same Advocate, and soon, oh, how soon, to be ‘gloried together’ with Him. What love, then, ought I to bear towards him whom Jesus has so loved!”
- Octavius Winslow,
Morning Thoughts (March 23)

-Taken from "Of First Importance"


Please pray for this family, whose blog I have been following. If their little girl continues to heal from a multi-organ transplant as she has been doing, she and her mom will get to go home to be with the rest of the family for Christmas.
Please pray for Ashley Kate.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Some were fools through their sinful ways, and because of their iniquities suffered affliction; they loathed any kind of food, and they drew near to the gates of death. Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! And let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving, and tell of his deeds in songs of joy!
Pslam 107:17-22

Give thanks today, in light of all that God has done for us and the things from which we were saved! Often, I can forget the great things that God has done in my life: the love he has caused in me for him, the ways he has been faithful to provide for me and heal me, and the protection he has given me from evil and dangerous situations. Greater than all of these is the fact that he has removed from me my sin, "as far as the East is from the West" the Bible says. God no longer counts me as a sinner and a wretch, but as one of his children; I am a daughter of God. I have and will be spared the pain and suffering of eternity without God. I will be with him in Heaven where there is no such thing.

I want to be quick to give God thanks, and "tell of his deeds in songs of joy."

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

too much Fall