Monday, August 25, 2008

Coffee, anyone?

Thanks for your comments! Also, thanks for being patient as we don't quite have the internet yet. There's nothing better than running down the street to hop in a smoky, pink 3 feet by 3 feet cubicle to type away, so I'll try to it more often. Seriously, I enjoy doing this, but we haven't been able to get here too much.

Someone asked, "Why is everything white tile?" Well, to the best of my knowledge, I think it's to keep things clean and efficient. Due to the excess amount of sand laying about outside, it's really easy to clean and also doesn't absorb the heat of the sun throughout the day. Actually, there are three different shades of tile, but you'd never be able to tell unless you're standing on it. (hint: Come visit!)

The past few days have been kind of a whirlwind. Everyday, we awake at one of the calls to prayer around 3:45am, which is still somewhat disorienting. Each mosque has a minaret, a tall tower with louspeakers hooked to it, from which the mullahs (muslim priests) announce to the neighborhood that it's time to wake up. Right now there are 6 calls each day, and we are usually getting out of bed by the 2nd (around 5:30). Despite getting used to that, I'm on a somewhat regular sleeping schedule, though it seems I can't stay up past 9:00 or so. Anyone who knows me well may have already guessed that I am getting about 8-9 hours a night and holding a regular sleeping pattern. Chris still doesn't sleep...

We are having a lot of fun with the new teachers moving into our building, and it makes for quite a group. There are six of us- I'm still the only girl- and we hail from Boston, Detroit, the UK, and good ol' Indiana, PA. My imitation of a middle-class British accent is steadily improving.

For anyone who's wondering, we now have a lime green shower curtain. I intend to accent that with a lime green wall clock :)



  1. Jen said...

    When you say, "Come visit," does that mean you'll pay for my ticket?

    Seriously though, praying for a dear, female, kindred spirit to come your way.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Oh I don't need a hint to come and visit. I really miss you guys! I was in Indiana over the weekend, the whole time I felt like I was forgetting something or not doing something - like I was supposed to be hanging out with you guys. Love the posts! Everything is so fascinating!

  3. Anonymous said...

    hey guys!! your place looks really cool. the view is amazing. great choice on the shower curtain color steph (my fav :o)!! any more new and exciting foods we need to know about?? how about some pics of your friends. love and miss ya!!

    lisa :oP

  4. Stephanie said...

    I forgot that it was your fav until just now; I bet you have some of that going on in your house!

    I'm glad you find us so fascinating! I never found myself as such, but I guess there's a first time for everything- just kidding. There is a 2+ week break during winter...

    You are so darn funny. If I even thought you were serious, I'd start saving and give up my new set of tupperware. You would get free room, board, food, and friendship as well as free tours if you came. Thanks for your prayers.