Sunday, June 29, 2008


So, I know that WALL*E is supposed to be a disney/Pixar animated children's movie, right? To be honest, I haven't looked forward to seeing a movie this much for a long time! It looks really funny, has gotten wonderful reviews, and is rated G- fun for the whole family. Hopefully, "Someone" will take me on a date to see it this week (you know who you are). Have any of you seen it?


  1. erin said...

    oh that does look cute. i hadn't see any previews for it only posters around the city it looks like a good drive in movie.

  2. Stephanie said...

    Oh, if only it were at the ol' Palace Gardens the weekend you're here!

  3. Anonymous said...

    oh I'll be back and I'll set ten alarms this time.