Saturday, June 07, 2008

My 3rd Biggest Decision

If you have talked to me recently, you can probably guess what the above picture portrays: Kuwait City at night. In case you haven't heard, that's where Chris and I will be living in about...67 days. The news is now public that we have been talking about living and teaching overseas for quite some time, and that we were both offered jobs to teach in a private, bilingual school in Kuwait. We graciously accepted the offer after much prayer, deliberation, and counsel from our friends, and are excited to see what God does with us and in us in Kuwait. Our contract is set for two years, and we will be able to come home during the summer. We have arranged for housing already, which we will be able to stay at the first night we are in Kuwait. I'm really excited that we have been afforded this opportunity, though it all feels a bit like a dream.

Making the decision to go to Kuwait is probably the third biggest decision I've ever had to make in my life (of course, making it together with my hubby), trailing only my decision to follow Jesus Christ once He graciously captured my heart, and the decision to marry Chris- once he captured my heart! We are confident that God has led us to this place and it is not just of our own selfish ambition, although I wouldn't put it past myself that there is some of that mixed in there. We will surely miss our wonderful friends and family, but will make every attempt to stay in good contact, which is so easy to do these days via the Earth's Big Net (otherwise known as the World Wide Web). Please pray for us during this time, that we are able to make the best use of our days.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Oooo nice picture, looks like a intersting and fun place. I am excited that this is the place God has for you two!