Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Eid Mubarak

Well, today is the first day of Eid al-Fitr, although its official beginning was last night. We were supposed to have only Wednesday and Thursday off of work, but received a text message last night that we didn't have to go in today. Happy Tuesday, and Happy Eid! If you aren't sure what that is, you can read about it here, but it's basically a celebration to end the month of Ramadan. I spent the early hours of Eid talking to one of my good friends until 3am due to the time difference, being sure to take advantage of the day off.

As much as I'd like to say that I slept in until noon and ate cheetos all day, I admit that I still went to school for a few hours. It proved to be a productive, unhurried time to organize and put the last of the fuzzy pink bunnies on my bulletin boards. Just kidding about the bunnies, but I feel pretty ready to go once Sunday comes and brings all of the students. I also had the opportunity to chat with some of the admin., a nice change to the usual hustle and bustle of task-oriented questions. Maybe tomorrow I'll go back and take my swimming suit...but really, the mini-vacation couldn't be more timely. For the past few days, Chris and I have been feeling "squeezed" by the high gear of things. (There's nothing like the task of recreating your lives in a different country- that lets you know what's really inside of you.) God's good to show us his grace in even the smallest of ways.

I do finally have some picture albums up on Facebook, so if you belong to that crowd you can take a look. Also, if you don't know anything about Skype, it's time to learn. Chris and I can make calls back to the States for about .02/min with it, so it's really just the time difference that gets us in a bind. If the people we want to talk to also have a Skype account, we can talk over the internet for pretty much nothing. Though my "sales" skills are lacking, I hope you find this a convincing enough pitch to sign up. We also have the internet in our apartment now, meaning more flexibility to talk!

My alertness is quickly diminishing, so I'll leave you with this final thought: Keep your phones nearby.

Photo: Pepsi Light, for my Dad who will never drink Coke.


  1. Jen said...

    Fuzzy pink bunnies???

    I'm feelin' squeezed too, girl. I hear ya. Different types of squeezing, but squeezing just the same. When are you going to call again? Praying for you.

  2. Stephanie said...


    Like I said, there aren't really any bunnies, but there is a mongoose or two. Ever heard of Rudyard Kipling? I tried to call the other day, with no answer. I have practice tonight, but maybe I'll try to call around 4pm your time (Weds).

  3. Anonymous said...

    we got our computer fixed! we have skype on it too, we just need to find a microphone to use with it. now you won't have to spend 2 cents a minute till 3 am on us anymore!praying for you and missing you so much - both of you!

  4. Stephanie said...


    I will give you my 2 cents anytime you ask for it, and even when you don't.
    Love ya.