Saturday, March 01, 2008

Here he is! Born 2/29/08

Here is my new nephew, Nicholas John. He's not too tiny, weighing in at 5 lbs. 4 oz., and 18 or so inches long- a frog's length for a leap-day baby. Yesterday was a trying day, as I was not able to talk much with Christina OR John about what was going on! I received a call around 5pm from my Dad (who talked to John) that Christina was in the hospital and the doctors were going to induce labor. She was 4 weeks early of her due date, but they felt that her blood pressure was too high to allow her to carry to term. Then at about 7:30pm (while at the Pray for Ian concert) I got another call from my dad who gave me ANOTHER number where I could call my sister and John. So, when I called they were in the delivery room and had just found out she would be having a C-section within 20 minutes because her platelets were too low. Crazy! My heart was tempted to fear, but God was gracious to remind me of His control, over all circumstances. I did cry a bit, mostly because my sister was sort of crying, but I couldn't help myself. It was a weird excitement/sympathy/wishing-I-were-there cry. But, God in his goodness already had me at the concert were I had great friends with encouraging hearts. Thanks, Jen and Kristin. Now, mom and baby are both fine and the grandparents were already on their way to Michigan as of early this morning.

I'll get to go up around the 16th or so because I have an entire week without teaching before Easter- thank you, Jesus, in every sense of the words! I can't wait to see my grandfather's namesake.