Thursday, May 16, 2013

the show must go on

In my elementary school, we are currently rehearsing for an International Day show of epic proportions. Each class in grades 1-4 has been focusing on one country of study in Social Studies from mid-April, which will culminate with a dance show performed by students for parents on May 28th. Well, at least that's what it was a few weeks ago.

As of the last few weeks, the show seems to be getting more press and interest, so we may not only have parents on May 28th, but we might also have newspaper photographers, dignitaries or representatives from embassies, officials from the Ministry of Education, President Obama...just kidding about that last one. The event is growing larger and larger though, and I hope that my little kiddos are up for it! We are not supposed to tell them about the growing number of people that will be attending, but I don't know if it's worse for them to be surprised.

My (1A's) class song is "Be Our Guest" from the Disney movie Beauty & The Beast. I chose it because it's lively and the kids are familiar with the words and tune. I've been fretting a bit about whether or not we'll be ready to perform in this extravaganza in (EEK!) less than two weeks, but I've realized that no one will actually care how synced all of their steps are. They're cute kids in matching dresses, singing something that has to do with France, and everyone will love them anyway. It will be nice if they aren't paralyzed with stage fright.

There have been a lot of pieces to this puzzle, including actually teaching them about France, having a tailor to individually measure each student and make their dresses, buying accessories (including matching shoes), choosing a hairstyle/song/dance steps, and sending home lots of those "Please send 10kd for this or that" notes. Our secretary is a saint and the one ultimately organizing the show and serving as the liaison to the school's directors.

 Posted throughout are a few pictures from rehearsal the other day. We're practicing on the ES playground, but we also practice on the stage in our auditorium, which is where the show will be held.

More updates on my sanity and our sure success will follow!
(p.s. If I'm not in the States by my anticipated date of June 18th, someone should come looking...)