Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Failaka Island

On Saturday of this past weekend, we went out to Failaka Island, about a 30 minute boat ride into the Gulf from the east coast of Kuwait City. We enjoyed a classic car show before we left, clear skies and waters on the way to and from, a great Arabic lunch when we got there, checking out old and broken pianos, and visiting with friends, horses, and camels for seven or eight hours. We were surprised at how quiet everything seemed compared to the regular noise of the city, and enjoyed our time immensely. I think my friend Anita and I are going to head out a few times a month for riding lessons, so that should prove an enjoyable weekend diversion. Here are a few pictures: Failaka and Car Show


  1. Anonymous said...

    Loved the pictures! Thanks for sharing! I especially enjoyed the ones of Chris on the camel. I could just hear him laughing. :-D

    Your friends are a very nice looking family too. Are they the ones you just met?

    Miss ya. Glad to hear your voice this morning. :)

  2. Stephanie said...

    Chris said that being on a camel feels a lot higher than it really is. Just imagine- 7 feet up PLUS how tall your torso is. Maybe it really is a long way down.