Saturday, May 23, 2009

What to post?

The days seem to be going by so quickly, but not fast enough. Plans keep changing, mostly due to our schedule at school. The good news is that we don't have to work as long. The bad news is that we have to wait around for a week to pick up our summer paycheck, which for some reason unknown to man, cannot be direct deposited. In the meantime, we are making some new travel plans for what has been coined "the week of agony." I confess my discontentment with the situation, but also my gratefulness that we'll have extra time to spend with our friends in yet another exotic location. More details will come as we make some decisions! What remains the same is that we will arrive in Boston, MA on June 21st. Or, maybe the 22nd. I know we leave Istanbul on the 21st; I'll have to check with Chris, my official travel agent.

My life is like a blender. I am thrust into it with different people/situations/struggles/joys/obligations/freedoms, swished around, and come out being totally different than I went into it. As of late, I would say I've been coming out the better from it. We are having a lot of fun, but learning and growing at the same time

Recently, I have spent a lot of my free time reading books, especially while the guys are playing HALO. I admit, I do enjoy a rousing game of shoot-em-up every once in awhile, but I just can't handle the intensity for long periods of time without getting a headache. I am currently working on a few books, which am really enjoying and should have critiques for by the time we come to the U.S.

Two Prisoners by Lajos Zilahy
Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson
Savannah from Savannah by Denise Hildreth
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

29 days to the U.S.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Can't wait to see you guys!!!!