Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012!

His power and glory evermore proclaim.

Those are the last words of of O Holy Night, one of my favorite Christmas carols. It has a charge, to proclaim or declare the power and glory of God.

I was just sitting here thinking that I ought to get some pictures of what our holiday looked like and came across this one. Every Christmas Eve, The Lighthouse Church in Kuwait hosts a bonfire and time of singing carols in one of its courtyards. One of the worship leaders and a few accompanying musicians stand on the steps outside one of the church buildings while others are gathered around the fire in many rows, 30 or 40 people deep, in all directions. Interspersed between the carols that everyone sings in English are presentations done by a few members of the various congregations that fall under the Lighthouse Church umbrella; Malayalum, German, Tagalog, Konkani, and Swahili are just a few of the other languages that we heard, all directed in praise to the King. What a proclamation of the power and glory of God, who is bringing people to himself from all over the world, including in Kuwait!

May we continue to tell of his goodness in our lives and in others.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our loved ones near and far.

Stephanie & Chris