Thursday, May 13, 2010


I know I've turned into a lousy blogger recently, but I just haven't had the energy to write down all of the riveting news in our lives- said with sarcasm, of course. Actually, we've done quite a lot recently, but we are waiting with baited breath for the end of the school year to come. I have 4 more teaching days and then a week of exams; afterward, I will do a few days of inventory and then hopefully read a few books on the school's clock. It's not my fault that the HS kids are done before MS, Elementary, and ECE...I just get to enjoy it!

So, let's see. Since April 22, I went to a flamenco show and poetry night at the Kuwait Little Theater in Ahmadi. I'll say the show was good, though I wasn't overly impressed with the dancer. The guitarists were nothing short of amazing, and the girl reading pieces of poetry, like A las Cinco de la Tarde, did a pretty nice job.

Another event was the Operation Hope Mother's Day Breakfast done on May 1st. I went to this with my friends Becky, Donna, and Darlene just to enjoy the breakfast and support a good cause. Operation Hope does a lot of humanitarian work here in Kuwait, giving out literal tons of goods and care packages to underprivileged workers every winter. They work hard throughout the year to provide for the needs of people, and the breakfast is the major event to raise money for the following year's cause.

Last weekend, I went to the 11th grade "fairwell" gathering at one of my student's houses. The girls are always funny to see interact with each other outside of a school setting, and sometimes I don't recognize them right away, because they are always in uniforms at school. Fatemah (top, 4th from R) did a great job of hosting! The kids always ask me to make lemon squares because I made the mistake of making some for a school event once. Since it was a party with about 50 people, I made two pans.

Also last weekend, we had an appreciation dinner/workshop for all the volunteers involved in the worship ministry at church. We enjoyed the fellowship with about 150 others, good food, good teaching, and just having a night out in the city. Since there are a lot of Indians in Kuwait, it's easy to find great Indian food, which is what we had at this dinner. I am going to have to master many international types of cuisine before we move back to the States or my eating style is going to change abruptly.

For the last month or so, I've been working with another teacher to put together a field trip for the 10th and 11th graders. Because both grades study the Renaissance time period in English or World History II, we decided to try to make that our theme. After countless hours of emails, phone calls, switched dates, and changing plans, our trip came to fruition yesterday. The girls watched Ever After (a modern version of the Cinderella story set in that era), ate a Renaissance inspired meal at the local Casper and Gambini's, and went ice skating. No, they didn't have ice skating during the Renaissance really, but we decided it would be fun anyway.

I think that brings us up to speed! We are excited to go on vacation once we're done with school, hitting a few countries before we make it back to the States on June 30th. We should be in Boston for about two weeks, Indiana State for a week, and then in Indiana, PA for a few weeks. Beside that, who knows?


  1. Luke McKelvy said...

    i miss you guys and can not wait to see you


  2. Stephanie said...

    We miss you! I can't wait to have a backyard party.