Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bells in Kuwait

Okay. I am still catching up with entries and pictures from events past, so here is the link from when our friends Mike and Destiny came to visit. They were only here for a few days before they trekked back to the US for Christmas, but the time was sweet. We had lots of good Arabic food, went to church, visited the Scientific Center and Aquarium, barbequed on the beach, and generally wreaked havoc across the State of Kuwait. Sort of.
Bells in Kuwait

We miss you guys, and all of our friends and family scattered over the Earth during this time! We're glad for the good year-end reports we've heard so far, and hope that everyone was able to spend time reflecting on the birth of Jesus, the real reason for celebrating the Christmas season.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Yaaaay! Great pictures, thanks for posting! Can't wait to hear all about your trip to Paris. Hope you had a blast. Miss you guys.