Friday, May 15, 2009

It's the Final Countdown

No, I'm not just talking about the amazing song done by Swedish band, Europe. I'm talking about days of school. It's crazy when I stop to think that 13 years of my life were spent in school. If like me, you have post-secondary education, make that 17. If you go for more qualifications, make that 19. Or it could be 22 or more, depending on how educated you really want to be.

On the flip-side, I can see how terrible my classmates and I probably were for our teachers toward the end of the school year. (Fellow teachers, can you relate?) The students are becoming more eager to go on their long-awaited vacations, and that excitement overflows into daily routines. The only problem is that it usually presents itself as loud behavior, especially in this culture. Man, these kids can talk.

Our last teaching preparations are being made, with exams submitted and two weeks of classes left. Then, we have a week of finals and grading. After that, there are just a few days of cleaning and turning in materials. We will be in Turkey before we know it. Antalia, here I come.

We wrapped up the softball season with a banquet last weekend. I didn't get to take too many pictures, but I have some up on our web album page. Pics
Pictured with me is my friend Chelly, who I coached with this season. She and her family are moving to Saudi this summer with her husband's job. The expat life is bittersweet because great friends can be made quickly, but people are constantly shifting. We'll be sad to see them go...but they won't be too far away.

28 days to Turkey
37 days to the U.S.


  1. Anonymous said...

    the softball photos were so cute! cant wait for the 37 days!
    love, e