Sunday, April 05, 2009

8 months

We have been here for about 8 months. That's hard to believe, isn't it? Chris has gone on vacation to the U.A.E. with some of the guys this week, and we'll be leaving for Lebanon on Wednesday. Since I am here alone and there is much less traffic through our apartment, I've had extra time to think about what we've been doing during this time, and what the future may hold for us.

What have you done in the last 8 months?

I pose this as a somewhat rhetorical question; I'm not looking for answers, but invite you to think about what you have done and what events have occurred since August 2008. How have those things affected your life? Some things to think about:

- Who have I shared my faith with, if at all?
- What am I actively pursuing? (kindness, patience, etc.)
- What do I spend most of my time doing, outside of work? Is that a good thing?
- How can I love my spouse or my children better?
- In difficult circumstances, what have I believed about God?
- What cool opportunities have I had?

Part of what sparked this is that I recently found a picture taken from right before we left Indiana. Some of my girlfriends and I met to picnic and chat, leaving the men and babes to fend for themselves for an afternoon. Two of us moved within two weeks of this (I think), and another followed suit within a few months. Thanks for a great day, girls.


  1. Stephanie said...

    Hi Michelle!
    Thanks for all of the updates and the info. We are really happy here and enjoying things as they come. I removed your comment in the interest of space, but will pass along the good news to the fam. Take care, and keep in touch!

  2. Anonymous said...

    I have loved read your blog and even tried to reply a couple of times-for some reason it didn't go. We sure miss you guys and know you are experiencing some of the best education God has to offer. Isn't is amazing how HE works in our lives!?
    Please keep us updated. P.S. Thought of you on opening day of Meadows-Choc.P-Nut butter cup!!:)

  3. Anonymous said...

    I (Madonna) sent the last message and forgot to sign my name - DUH!!!
    Love ya!