Wednesday, April 30, 2008

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, mamí!

Today's my mom's birthday, and according to McDonald's and the AARP she is a senior citizen now; however, my mom seems like anything but that. She is full of cheer and energy, enjoys a long ride on a Harley every now and then, and is constantly serving all of us with her thoughtful gestures and hard work. Though we often have strong and differing opinions about...well, almost any subject, I love my mom because she listens to me and considers what I have to say. (Not to mention, she has put up with my antics for nearly 24 years and still loves me.) I wouldn't trade her for anything!


  1. Jen said...

    Anyone who puts up with you for that long, deserves a tribute...and some ibuprofen:)

    Happy Birthday, Steph's Mom!

  2. Anonymous said...

    Very nice post for your mami! Hope she saw it! I remember how she spent hours making your beautiful wedding gown, and didn't she even redo the top so it looked perfect? Thats a good mami!