Thursday, February 12, 2009

the sands recede

While visibility off of our balcony is slowly increasing, there's still a fair amount of dust floating around. My sinuses are not getting along nicely with this new season, so maybe it's not quite as good as a snow day. We had school today as usual, but there was a drop in student attendance; this is not a bad thing at the end of a long week.

Starting tonight, it's another full weekend. We have church home group this evening, and tomorrow morning, we go to the embassy church. In the afternoon, I have a softball game (at 2pm), and we're off to dinner with friends in the evening. Saturday morning, I have a student at 10am that I tutor regularly, and then it's a special surprise for Chris' birthday. At 5:oo, I'll be headed to worship team practice. Afterward, I'll just spend some relaxing time with my Valentine. It sounds crazy even typing all of this out, but we're just busy for a season.