Thursday, October 09, 2008

Chase the mouse

Here's a video showing our hunt for desert creatures, which one of my friends posted recently. I can't actually tell who took it based on the video, but you can hear me in it and can see the mouse crawling on Chris' foot! Come to think of it, I might have actually taken this video...

Note: No mice were hurt in the filming of this project.

We are finished with our first week of school with students, and boy, it was a doozy. Having a bit more experience than some of the other teachers (I know, right?), I think it went a bit more smoothly for me than some; however, I've learned that I need to get on my organization game. These Kuwaiti kids do not like to be idle, which is the prime reason for misbehavior with most students anyway. Starting next week, you can bet I'll be over-planning for each of my classes and taking care to include a variety of activities.

At the end of Week 1 of teaching and Week 8 of living in Kuwait, I would say I love it! Even though the first week of school was completely nuts-o (as most first weeks are with assemblies, establishing routines, etc.), I feel reassured that this is where we are supposed to be for the time being. We have met a lot of wonderful people and have begun to build relationships which I hope will prove long lasting. All we need now is a bread maker, and we'll be set.


  1. Laura said...

    It's good to hear you are still looking out for your boy and not wanting him to be bit by any desert vermin. And it's funny that they think Chris is a "nice guy" (is what someone referred to him as)...

    I'm on the mend...we'll talk soon.

  2. Stephanie said...

    After a good long think, the puzzle pieces lead me to J.M.A. Am I a good detective or what?

  3. Anonymous said...

    that looked a little bit bigger than a mouse or at least nyc mices - which i wish i had never seen. i wonder why it stayed around you all for so long? it should have headed for the hills, after being kicked around. maybe it was discombobulated, then went off into the hills to die of internal injuries. i don't really like mice so its okay by me.