Friday, June 06, 2014

Summer is coming, Summer is here!

We are wrapping up the school year in Kuwait now, as Chris has already finished for the summer holiday and I am well on my way to it. I have just one more week of administrative days to finish report cards, schedule class timetables, and prepare my classroom for the dusty summer.

Chris leaves in 3 days
School ends in 6 days
I leave in 14 days

We're excited to get some time resting and relaxing in the States this year, with no major excursions planned! Knowing my husband and is sense of adventure, we'll see if that stays the same...

While we always look forward to the summer, it can also a difficult time of transition. Yes, there is peace and rest and our families to look forward to (and no students!), but we know that things won't be quite the same as we left them in the States last summer, and they won't be quite the same here when we get back in the fall.

The more we stay in Kuwait, the more our lives become enriched by people living and passing through here. It's an amazing thing to get to know and love people from all over the world, but it's a sad thing to see them go, too. So, what should we do? Become calloused and never make meaningful relationships again? Of course not. It hurts because its good, which is something I read over at the The Culture Blend this week. If you are a "stayer" or you know one, pass it along.

It's a strange season of anticipation and dread, of excitement and detesting,of joy and sorrow - all in one. But it's good. So good, in fact, that we are in our 6th cycle of it and coming back for more.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Nepal, quiet and noisy

I'm a really inconsistent blogger. Anyone who ever ventures to this webpage knows that. Be assured that an absence of writing does certainly not mean that there is absence of activity with the Freemans. Au, contraire!

looking West at Sunrise

We recently came back from a trip through the foothills of the Annapurna/Himalaya mountain range in Nepal. There were so many refreshing sights, sounds, and smells that gave us a sense of peace and quiet. It was really remarkable. There were also those parts of our 5-day trek when got lost that made us feel really noisy inside! Being in the comfort of my computer desk chair, I can now say that was remarkable, too. In fact, we might even do it again one day.

Enjoy a few pictures while I enjoy a cup of tea.

Laura and Chris in Thamel, Kathmandu

waking up with the sun, Chisopani, Nepal