Wednesday, April 12, 2006

the first day

this is my first blog here, and it has all started from an idea that i got from someone else. isn't it funny how things like that work? usually, ideas are things taken from something someone once saw somewhere, and didn't remember he/she saw it, but then "came up with it" on his/her own. anyway, the real reason that i thought I'd start this is because I figure that my husband and I may be someday travelling. By travelling, I mean living overseas, and I am sure that international phone calls to 25 or so people a month could get pricey. We aren't thinking about leaving 'soon,' but do have a heart to move abroad within the next five years or so.

For right now, I'll try to be updating this just to inform all of what exactly is happening in this newly-formed Freeman household. So, until I have something better to throw in is a delightful day in sunny Pennsylvania and another day to rejoice in God's goodness. Enjoy the weather while it's here.